Zigzag Heron (Zebrilus undulatus) Science Article 1
Recent sightings of the little-known Zigzag Heron (Zebrilus undulutus) have come primarily from Peru, as reported by Mathews and Brooke (Wilson Bull., 100: 147-148, 1988) and by Davis et al. (Condor, 82:460-46 1, 1980). Neither Hilty and Brown (A Guide to the Birds of Colombia, Princeton Univ. Press, 1986, p. 68) nor Hancock and Kushlan (The Herons Handbook, Harper and Row, New York, 1984, pp. 230-232) mention any recorded nests of this species. Here we report on five nests that we found at La Selva Lodge (00’24’S, 76’39’W), approximately 100 km by river down the Napo River (Rio Napo) from the town of Coca, Napo Province, Ecuador, elevation 280 m.
PETER ENGLISH, Wilson Bull., 103(4), 1991, pp. 664-668