Red-naped Trogon (Harpactes kasumba)

Red-naped Trogon

[order] TROGONIFORMES | [family] Trogonidae | [latin] Harpactes kasumba | [authority] Raffles, 1822 | [UK] Red-naped Trogon | [FR] Couroucou a masque rouge | [DE] Rotnacken-Trogon | [ES] Trogon Kasumba | [NL] Roodnektrogon


Monotypic species


The trogons are split into three subfamilies, each reflecting one of these splits, Aplodermatinae is the African subfamily and contains a single genus, Apaloderma; Harpactinae is the Asian subfamily and contains two genera, Harpactes and Apalharpactes. Apalharpactes, consisting of two species in the Java and Sumatra, has only recently been accepted as a separate genus from Harpactes. Harpactes is a genus of birds found in forests in South and Southeast Asia, extending into southernmost China. They are strongly sexually dimorphic, with females generally being duller than males. The two members of the genus Apalharpactes are sometimes included in Harpactes.

Physical charateristics

Male black head and upper breast, blue bill and eye ring with blue face skin. Yellow-brown upperparts and upper tail with black outlines. White breastline. Bright red under parts, undertail black white. Female grey brown head and upper breast with vague line, yellowish underparts.

Listen to the sound of Red-naped Trogon

[audio: Trogon.mp3]

Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto

wingspan min.: 0 cm wingspan max.: 0 cm
size min.: 32 cm size max.: 34 cm
incubation min.: 0 days incubation max.: 0 days
fledging min.: 0 days fledging max.: 0 days
broods: 0   eggs min.: 1  
      eggs max.: 3  


Oriental Region : Malay Peninsula,Sumatra, Borneo. Harpactes kasumba is confined to the Sundaic lowlands, where it is known from peninsular Thailand, Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore (formerly), Kalimantan, Indonesia and Brunei. It occurs at low densities even in optimal habitat


This species occurs mainly in primary or lightly logged lowland evergreen forests. It is most abundant below 600 m, but occurs occasionally up to 1200 m in montane dipterocarp forest on Borneo. It is also recorded in peatswamp forest, as well as logged areas and even cocoa plantations


Builds nest in cavity of rotten stump, few meters up. Clutch size 2 eggs.

Feeding habits

Poorly known, spiders and insects.

Video Red-naped Trogon


copyright: Josep del Hoyo


This species occurs in lowland forests in a region experiencing undergoing rapid deforestation through logging and conversion to agriculture. Although it may tolerate very low-intensity logging, it is likely to be declining moderately rapidly across much of its range, and it is therefore considered Neat Threatened.
Rates of forest loss in the Sundaic lowlands have been extremely rapid, owing partly to the escalation of illegal logging and land conversion, with deliberate targeting of all remaining stands of valuable timber including those inside protected areas. Forest fires have also had a damaging effect
Red-naped Trogon status Near Threatened


Presumed sedentary, but not well documented

Distribution map

Red-naped Trogon distribution range map

Updated: October 2, 2011 — 11:23 am

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