Tinamous are paleognaths related to the flightless ratites. They are probably close in appearance to the flying ancestors of the ratites. Unlike other Ratites, Tinamous can fly, although in general, they are not strong fliers. Nothoprocta is a genus of birds belonging to the tinamou family Tinamidae. They inhabit scrubland, grassland and open woodland in western South America, particularly in the Andes. They are poor fliers and spend most of their time on the ground. They are medium-sized tinamous with strong legs and fairly long, downcurved bills. The plumage is mostly grey-brown with intricate black, white and buff markings.
Physical charateristics
Dark, finely-marked tinamou. Grey head and neck with blackish crown and face markings. Dusky upperparts with thin, buff stripes and inconspicuous brown barring. Black and buff mottling on wing-coverts. Tawny flight feathers, barred blackish. Pale greyish buff throat. Grey breast with buffy spots bordered black. Rest of underparts buff, barred dusky. Long, blackish, curved bill. Juvenile generally richer brown. Similar spp. Much darker and browner than other sympatric species. Voice Loud, cackling cuyy-cuyy when flushed
Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto
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South America : Peru. Nothoprocta taczanowskii is uncommon and probably local on the eastern massifs of the Andes (in the upper parts of deep valleys intersecting the Cordillera Oriental and in intermontane basins in the Cordillera Central) in Peru, and the adjacent La Paz department, Bolivia. In Peru, there are recent records from several sites in Apurimac, Cuzco and Puno1, but it has not been recorded in the Chincheros/Pampa Valley area, north-west Apurimac, since 1970. The Cordillera de Huanzo, southern Apurimac, has produced only one specimen (collected in 1977) and those from the northern Cordillera de Carabaya, Cuzco, were taken in 1871. It has been recorded from the Maraynioc area, Junin, but there have probably not been any surveys since the last records in 19394. The species was recorded for the first time in Bolivia in 1999, when one male was collected and three to four juveniles observed in Apolobamba National Integrated Management Reserve, La Paz5. Three further records were obtained at an additional locality within the reserve in 2000.
It inhabits mosaics of cloud forest (Podocarpus, Eugenia, Escallonia, Polylepis), scrub, pastures, fields, open rocky or grassy areas, mainly in humid or semi-humid montane areas, but has also been recorded at or just above the treeline. Scrub or woodland habitats are probably a requisite, and it probably does not nest in cultivated or pastoral land.
Eggs and chicks have been collected in April and May (Junin) and October (Puno).
Feeding habits
Its known elevational range is 2,700-4,000 m. It frequently feeds on tuber crops, especially potatoes.
This species is Vulnerable because it is known from few locations within a small range, where its apparently required habitat is subject to continuing degradation. This is presumably causing some population declines. Temperate woodlands and shrubby grasslands in the Andes have been diminishing for centuries because of human activities, such as frequent burning of grassland, and cutting, burning and livestock-grazing in high-altitude copses and shrubby patches. It is also hunted for food.