Migration and morphometrics of Temminck’s StintCalidris temminckii at Ottenby, southern Sweden

Temmincks Stint (Calidris temminckii) Science Article 1


Data are reported from 55 years of ringing and observation on the migration of Temminck’s Stint Calidristemminckii at Ottenby Bird Observatory, Sweden. Numbers ringed have declined since the 1940s due tohigh numbers caught in 1948 and 1949. Thereafter there is no clear trend. The overall autumn migrationdirection of 13 recoveries is south-southwest, with a concentration of recoveries in northeast Italy. Mediandate of spring passage was 20 May, while median date of autumn passage was 28 July for adults and20 August for juveniles. Hence, the duration of the breeding season is about two months. On autumnmigration, adults carry larger fuel (fat) loads (32% of lean body mass, LBM) than juveniles (21.2%), andso adults are capable of a direct flight to the northeast Italian stopover, while the average juvenile cannotdo so unless assisted by winds. Over the autumn migration season, fuel loads did not change in adultsbut late migrant juveniles had higher fuel loads. The maximum rate of fuel accumulation was 7.7% ofLBM, which is near the physiological maximum. The maximum migration speed was estimated to be 150km/day.

Anders Hedenstrom, Ringing & Migration (2004) 22, 51-58

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Updated: December 27, 2011 — 9:45 am

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