Tag: Water Rail

Breeding of the Water Rail Rallus aquaticus in Cladium mariscusvegetation

Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) Science Article 1 abstract We have studied breeding habitats of the Water Rail Rallus aquaticus in Cladium mariscus (Galingale) vegetation at Botshol (Abcoude, 51 deg 52’N;5 deg 04’E) in The Netherlands and on Oland in Sweden. Water Rails were localised by day by provoking vocal responses with a cassette recorder, using […]

Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus)

Gruiformes Rallidae Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) [order] Gruiformes | [family] Rallidae | [latin] Rallus aquaticus | [UK] Water Rail | [FR] Râle d’eau | [DE] Wasserralle | [ES] Rascón Europeo | [IT] Porciglione comune | [NL] Waterral Physical charateristics In 60% of nominate birds, variable number of greater and median upperwing coverts have white bars, […]