Several cases of this species existence in Arkansas and Florida (USA) have been made since 2004, but the evidence is never unchallenged. Extensive surveys have been made in south-eastern Cuba, but the last record remains of 1987. The number of individuals is now very likely tiny. This 50 cm huge black-and-white woodpecker is overall black […]
Category: Picidae
Where to find the Black Woodpecker?
The biggest European Woodpecker selects his breeding site based on some clear indicators. Read the general information about the species here in the online bird guide. This species is very important to other cavity breeding species and is as such recognized as a key species. This bird excavates cavities with a mean diameter of 51 […]
Why the woodpecker has a long beak
Know that the woodpecker was originally not a bird but an old woman with a very long nose, which she put into everybody’s pots and pans, sniffing about, eavesdropping, inquisitive and curious about everything whether it belonged to her or not, adding a little in her tale-bearing and taking off a bit from another tale, […]
Bird stories, Black-cheeked Woodpecker and Golden-olive Woodpecker
The Black-cheeked Woodpecker (Melanerpes pucherani) and Golden-olive Woodpecker (Colaptes rubiginosus) are called the tze’rej, a term that applies to a number of bigger woodpeckers. when these species cry “wek wek,†it is a a bad omen that something bad will soon happen, according to the Mopan Maya of Belize. Hull, K. & Fergus, R. AN […]
Bird stories, Pale-billed Woodpecker and Smoky Brown-woodpecker
When the pich, the Smoky Brown Woodpecker (Veniliornis fumigatus), cries thee times in a row, it is a sign that something bad is going to happen. While a home visitation is considered something of considerable joy for the Mopan and quite anticipated, the one exception is the visit of a salesperson. In fact, the Mopan […]
Bird stories, Black Woodpecker, (Dryocopus martius)
This tale is told by the peasantry in Norway. In those days when our Lord and S. Peter wandered upon earth, they came to an old wifes house, who sat baking. Her name was Gertrude, and she had a red mutch on her head. They had walked a long way, and were both hungry, and […]
Ruby-throated hummingbirds observed following yellow-bellied sapsucker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) Science Article 8 abstract The authors document an observed association between Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Ruby-throated Hummingbird. They conclude that the hummingbirds’feeding at sapsucker wells may effect the timing of hummingbird migration. by David Flaspohler and David Grosshuesch Several species of hummingbirds are known to feed at the sap wells created by […]
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) Science Article 3 abstract The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker( Sphyrapicus varius), which breeds in the temperate and boreal forests of interior North America, has not been reported previously from Alaska. However, recent observations show that it is currently a rare summer visitant and breeder in extreme east-central Alaska, and the presence of old […]
Habitat Analysis and Survey of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,Sphyrapicus varius, in the Southern Appalachians
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) Science Article 4 abstract The purpose of this study is to provide a habitat analysis of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,Sphyrapicus varius, in the Southern Appalachians. This population of S. varius is unique because it breeds in the high elevations of the Southern Appalachians, while the northern population breeds from Pennsylvania to Alberta […]
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) Science Article 2 abstract The subspecies of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) are strongly characterized not only in morphology but in migratory habits as well. General outlines of the breeding ranges and winter ranges of the four subspeciesa re given in figures 1 and 2.These illustrate the well-known facts that S. […]