Yungas Tyrannulet discovered in 2008

Yungas Tyrannulet Phyllomyias weedeni VULNERABLE The Yungas Tyrannulet (Phyllomyias weedeni) is a species of bird in the Tyrannidae family. It is, as suggested by its common name, restricted to humid and semi-humid forest in the Yungas of north-western Bolivia and far south-eastern Peru. Although discovered in the early 1990s, it was only formally described in […]

Rufous Twistwing discovered in 2007

Rufous Twistwing Cnipodectes superrufus VULNERABLE A tyrannid assignable to genus Cnipodectes by a combination of relatively large size; broad, flat bill surrounded by well-developed rictal bristles; shaggy plumage texture overall; broad, squared tertials with pale inner and outer edges; and primaries twisted in their orientation, with primaries 8-6 having a modified shaft structure on the […]

Lulu’s Tody tyrant discovered in 2001

Lulu’s Tody-tyrant Poecilotriccus luluae VULNERABLE Small, well marked tyrant flycatcher. The most striking feature is the rich chestnut-red hood (except small white throat). Hind neck band is grey/black and remaining upperparts are green, with coverts, tertials and secondaries fringed yellow. Below the hood is a narrow, white breast band, and the remainder of the underparts […]

Mishana Tyrannulet discovered in 2001

Mishana Tyrannulet Zimmerius villarejoi VULNERABLE Rather non-descript greenish-yellow tyrannulet. Uniform olive upperparts. Most of underparts also olive, but this grades into yellow on the belly and undertail coverts. Wings dull black with faint olive cast and fringed (along with median and greater coverts) with yellow. Similar spp. Differs from sympatric Slender-footed Tyrannulet Z. gracilipes in […]