Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) Science Article 1 abstract ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORSGRAVEL PITSLITTLE GREBEMACROPHYTESSOUTHWEST FRANCEABSTRACT.-In southwest France, the increasing abundance of gravel pits has allowedseveral bird species to colonize the region. These wetlands have becomesubstitutes for the natural habitats of waterbirds. Little grebes Tachybaptus ruficollishave colonized southwest France since the availability of gravel pits expandedand began to […]
Tag: all of Tachybaptus
Gravel pits as new wetlands for the little grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis
Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) Science Article 1 abstract ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORSGRAVEL PITSLITTLE GREBEMACROPHYTESSOUTHWEST FRANCEABSTRACT.-In southwest France, the increasing abundance of gravel pits has allowedseveral bird species to colonize the region. These wetlands have becomesubstitutes for the natural habitats of waterbirds. Little grebes Tachybaptus ruficollishave colonized southwest France since the availability of gravel pits expandedand began to […]
Least Grebe (Tachybaptus dominicus)
[order] Podicipediformes | [family] Podicipedidae | [latin] Tachybaptus dominicus | [UK] Least Grebe | [FR] Grebe minime | [DE] Schwarzkopftaucher | [ES] Zampullin Macacito | [IT] Svasso minore | [NL] Dwergfuut Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Podilymbus dominicus Tachybaptus dominicus NA, LA s Texas to n Argentina Tachybaptus […]