Tag: Loons or divers

Arctic Loon (Gavia arctica)

[order] GAVIIFORMES | [family] Gaviidae | [latin] Gavia arctica | [UK] Arctic Loon | [FR] Plongeon arctique | [DE] Prachttaucher | [ES] Colimbo Artico | [NL] Parelduiker Subspecies Monotypic species Genus The genus gavidae is formed by five species exclusively from the Northern Hemisphere. All of them are rather large birds, breeding in the arctic […]

Loon (Gavia immer)

[order] GAVIIFORMES | [family] Gaviidae | [latin] Gavia immer | [UK] Loon | [FR] Plongeon imbrin | [DE] Eistaucher | [ES] Colimbo Grande | [NL] IJsduiker Subspecies Monotypic species Genus The genus gavidae is formed by five species exclusively from the Northern Hemisphere. All of them are rather large birds, breeding in the arctic and […]