[order] GALLIFORMES | [family] Cracidae | [latin] Crax alector | [UK] Black Curassow | [FR] Hocco alector | [DE] Glattschnabel-Hokko | [ES] Pavon Guayanes | [NL] Zwarte Hokko Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Crax alector SA n Amazonia Genus Physical charateristics Both genders have black plumage, white abdomens, and identically sized and colored ceres. […]
Tag: Guans and curassows
White-headed Piping-Guan (Pipile cumanensis)
[order] GALLIFORMES | [family] Cracidae | [latin] Pipile cumanensis | [UK] White-headed Piping-Guan | [FR] Penelope siffleuse | [DE] Blaukehl-Guan | [ES] Pava Goliazul | [NL] Blauwkeelgoean Subspecies Monotypic species Genus Physical charateristics The blue-throated piping guan, has glossy black feathers with large, white wing patches, and the chest and wing tips are flecked with […]
Plain Chachalaca (Ortalis vetula)
[order] GALLIFORMES | [family] Cracidae | [latin] Ortalis vetula | [UK] Plain Chachalaca | [FR] Ortalide chacamel | [DE] Blauflugel-Guan | [ES] Chachalaca Nortena, Chachalaca Olivacea (Cr), Chachalaca (HN) | [NL] Bruine Chachalaca Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Ortalis vetula NA, MA s Texas to Honduras Ortalis vetula […]
Little Chachalaca (Ortalis motmot)
[order] Galliformes | [family] Cracidae | [latin] Ortalis motmot | [UK] Little Chachalaca | [FR] Ortalide motmot | [DE] Motmotguan | [ES] Chachalaca Motmot | [IT] Ciacialaca minore | [NL] Kleine Chachalaca Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics It has a chestnut head, a red dewlap and brown wings. Listen to the sound of Little Chachalaca […]
Marail Guan (Penelope marail)
[order] Galliformes | [family] Cracidae | [latin] Penelope marail | [UK] Marail Guan | [FR] Penelope marail | [DE] Marailguan | [ES] Pava Marail | [IT] Penelope di foresta | [NL] Marail-sjakohoen Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Penelope marail SA n Penelope marail jacupeba se Venezuela, n Brazil […]
Spixs Guan (Penelope jacquacu)
[order] Galliformes | [family] Cracidae | [latin] Penelope jacquacu | [UK] Spixs Guan | [FR] Penelope de Spix | [DE] Spixguan | [ES] Pava Amazonica | [IT] Penelope di Spix | [NL] Spix-sjakohoen Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Penelope jacquacu SA Amazonia Penelope jacquacu granti e Venezuela, Guyana […]