Tag: all of Eudromia

Quebracho Crested Tinamou (Eudromia formosa)

[order] TINAMIFORMES | [family] Tinamidae | [latin] Eudromia formosa | [authority] Lillo, 1905 | [UK] Quebracho Crested Tinamou | [FR] Tinamou superbe | [DE] Schmuck-Steisshuhn | [ES] Martineta Chaquena, Martineta Grande (Arg) | [NL] Quebracho-tinamoe Subspecies Monotypic species Genus Tinamous are paleognaths related to the flightless ratites. They are probably close in appearance to the […]

Elegant Crested Tinamou (Eudromia elegans)

[order] TINAMIFORMES | [family] Tinamidae | [latin] Eudromia elegans | [authority] Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1832 | [UK] Elegant Crested Tinamou | [FR] Tinamou elegant | [DE] Perl-Steisshuhn | [ES] Martineta Comun | [NL] Kuiftinamoe Subspecies Monotypic species Genus Tinamous are paleognaths related to the flightless ratites. They are probably close in appearance to the flying ancestors […]