Rarest birds in the World: Polynesian Ground-dove (Gallicolumbus erythroptera)

The Polynesian Ground-dove (Gallicolumba erythroptera) has a very small population, divided into very small local populations, on tiny wooded islets. It has become extinct from several islands in the Tuamotu archipelago. This rapid and ongoing decline, is caused by the introduction of feral rats and cats, habitat loss, cyclones and severe storms. This species is […]

White-winged Flufftail Sarothrura ayresi is on the very edge of extinction

White-winged Flufftail Sarothrura ayresi, a secretive and unobtrusive sub-Saharan bird, is the latest species to join the growing list of those on the very edge of extinction. Destruction and degradation of its high altitude wet grassland habitat, including wetland drainage, conversion for agriculture, water abstraction, overgrazing by livestock and cutting of marsh vegetation, have driven […]

Fenwick’s Antpitta discovered in 2010

Fenwick’s Antpitta Antpitta Grallaria fenwickorum CRITICALLY ENDANGERED A new species of Antpitta Grallaria (family Grallariidae) is described from the Colibrí del Sol Bird Reserve situated on the southeastern slope of the Páramo del Sol massif on the northern end of the Western Andes of Colombia. Fenwick’s Antpitta Grallaria fenwickorum sp nov. most closely resembles Brown-banded […]

Rowi discovered in 2003

Rowi Apteryx rowi CRITICALLY ENDANGERED Okarito brown kiwi, or rowi, are New Zealand’s rarest kiwi, with an estimated 250 surviving in just 10,000 hectares in South Okarito Forest, in South Westland. It was only in 1994 that they were found to be an entirely new species and given the name rowi. Rowi vary from other […]

Munchique Wood wren discovered in 2003

Munchique Wood-wren Henicorhina negreti CRITICALLY ENDANGERED A typical wood-wren. Sexes are similar, dark brown on the crown with warmer brown upperparts, short wings and tail are lighter warm brown barred with darker barring, prominent white supercilium above black eyestripe and ear coverts streaked white, throat white, chest pale grey, flanks, vent and undertail coverts chestnut, […]

Pernambuco Pygmy owl discovered in 2002

Pernambuco Pygmy-owl Glaucidium mooreorum CRITICALLY ENDANGERED Glaucidium mooreorum was newly described from the Reserva Biológica de Saltinho (which covers just 4.8 km2) in Atlantic coastal forest in Pernambuco, Brazil. It was tape-recorded in the same locality in November 1990. The species was also found in a 100 ha forest patch at Usina Trapiche (08 35’S, […]