Category: birdlife

Red list 2014

More than 350 newly recognised bird species have been assessed by BirdLife International for the first time on behalf of The IUCN Red List of Threatened Speciesâ„¢. Worryingly, more than 25% of these newly recognised birds have been listed as threatened on The IUCN Red List – compared with 13% of all birds – making […]

White-winged Flufftail Sarothrura ayresi is on the very edge of extinction

White-winged Flufftail Sarothrura ayresi, a secretive and unobtrusive sub-Saharan bird, is the latest species to join the growing list of those on the very edge of extinction. Destruction and degradation of its high altitude wet grassland habitat, including wetland drainage, conversion for agriculture, water abstraction, overgrazing by livestock and cutting of marsh vegetation, have driven […]

Red List for Birds 2013: Number of Critically Endangered birds hits new high

The number of bird species listed as Critically Endangered has reached an all-time high with the release of this year’s Red List for birds by BirdLife International. White-winged Flufftail Sarothrura ayresi, a secretive and unobtrusive sub-Saharan bird, is the latest species to join the growing list of those on the very edge of extinction. Destruction […]

BirdLife welcomes passing of law to secure transboundary ecosystems in East Africa

The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) has passed a crucial law that could transform how transboundary ecosystems and resources in East Africa are managed. EALA is the legislative arm of the East African Community, a regional block bringing together five countries, namely, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. Hon. Dr. George Nangale, the former Chairman […]

More petrels discovered in Haiti

The nocturnal calls of Black-capped Petrels Pterodroma hasitata have guided Haitian researchers to discover more nesting locations for this Endangered seabird. During November and December 2011, researchers from the Socit Audubon Hati (SAH) carried out field expeditions as part of their ongoing efforts to better understand and conserve Haitis unique biodiversity. read more at birdlife>

Sustainable tourism for Nepals wetlands

Wetlands are diverse habitats that are extremely important for biodiversity. They also provide vital benefits for millions of people, including food, fibre, flood protection, water purification and supply. Their importance is reflected in the designation of nearly 2,000 Wetlands of International Importance (or Ramsar sites: see covering more than 191 million hectares. read more […]