Corn Bunting (Emberiza calandra) Science Article 4 abstract Although, as Morgan (2006) points out, we cannot reject a systematic observer-associated error of 10 mm, we suggest that the existence of some female Corn Buntings (n = 5) with longer wing lengths than described in literature (Cramp & Perrins 1994) and the lack of a normal […]
Tag: Corn Bunting
Sex differentiation of Corn Buntings Miliaria calandra wintering in northern Spain
Corn Bunting (Emberiza calandra) Science Article 1 abstract A discriminant function was developed for sex differentiation of Corn Buntings Miliaria calandra wintering in northern Spain. The function, y = 0.136A + 0.288W-26.837, where A is wing length in mm and W is body weight in g, gives positive values for males and negative values for […]
Sexing Corn Buntings Miliaria calandra by discriminant function: a comment
Corn Bunting (Emberiza calandra) Science Article 3 abstract A recent paper on sexing Corn Buntings Miliaria calandra by discriminant function (Campos et al 2005) quotes wing lengths exceeding 100 mm for five of 51 females sexed by molecular methods. The occurrence of wings this long is noted by the authors as unusual, whereas they are […]
De Grauwe Gors Miliaria calandra: recente aantalsontwikkeling, habitatkeus en perspectieven in relatie tot het beheer van uiterwaarden en akkerland
Corn Bunting (Emberiza calandra) Science Article 2 abstract De Grauwe Gors dreigt uit Nederland te verdwijnen. Ook in de laatste bolwerken in Limburg en de uiterwaarden van de Waal ziet de situatie er voor deze karakteristieke soort niet rooskleurig uit. Een nauwkeurige blik op de lokale aantalontwikkelingen en veranderingen in de beschikbare broed- en winterhabitat […]
Fluctuations related to rainfall in richness and abundance of birds of steppic Mediterranean habitats
Corn Bunting (Emberiza calandra) Science Article 5 abstract The existence of interannual variations in the richness and abundance of bird species breeding in pseudo-steppic Mediterranean areas is analysed and related to the important fluctuations that take place in rainfall, which in turn deeply influence vegetation growth. The hypothesis of food limitation as a key factor […]
Corn Bunting (Emberiza calandra)
[order] PASSERIFORMES | [family] Emberizidae | [latin] Emberiza calandra | [UK] Corn Bunting | [FR] Bruant proyer | [DE] Grauammer | [ES] Escribano Triguero | [NL] Grauwe Gors Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Emberiza calandra EU w, sc, also n Africa Emberiza calandra buturlini Emberiza calandra calandra Physical […]