Tag: all of Aquila

The greater spotted eagle (Aquila clanga): previous, current status and hybridisation in Lithuania

Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga) Science Article 2 abstract The Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga) is a globally threatened species. It is included into the Lithuanian Red Data Book as extinct or probably extinct. During fieldwork in 2000n2004 four nonterritorial Greater Spotted Eagles were observed. 261 spotted eagles were described in 161 breeding territories (about […]

On the Biology of the Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga Pallas 1811).

Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga) Science Article 1 abstract A study of Greater Spotted Eagles (GSE)(Aquila clanga), was carried out by direct observation from 20 April to 19 August 1997 in the Biebrza National Park in north-east Poland. This study provided information on home range, flight behavior, hunting methods, hunting territory, prey composition, and interaction […]

Genetic differentiation and hybridization between Greater and Lesser Spotted Eagles (Accipitriformes: Aquila clanga, A. pomarina)

Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga) Science Article 5 abstract Greater and lesser spotted eagles (Aquila clanga, A. pomarina) are two closely related forest eagles overlapping in breeding range in east-central Europe. In recent years a number of mixed pairs have been observed, some of which fledged hybrid young. Here we use mitochondrial (control region) DNA […]

The diet of young Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Corsica: Foraging in a man-made mammal fauna

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Science Article 2 abstract The diet of young Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Corsica (Western Mediterranean) has been studied by identifying remains and pellets collected at nests after fledging from 1991 to 1996. Ten mammalian species, 17 birds and two reptiles have been identified, of which snakes, Bovidae (mostly Feral Goat […]

The occurrence of reindeer calves in the diet of nesting Golden Eagles in Finnmark, northern Norway

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Science Article 3 abstract To assess the importance of semi-domesticated reindeer Rangifer tarandus calves in the diet of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos, in Finnmark (northern Norway), we collected prey remains at 37 nests over six years (2001-2006). The study area was divided into 1) a fjord area, which is an important […]

Distribution pattern among Golden Eagle Aquila chrys tos and Bonelli s Eagle Hiera tus fasciatus in the Castellon province.

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Science Article 1 abstract Aims: Spatial distribution patterns of Golden Eagle Aquila chrys tos and Bonelli s Eagle Hiera tus fasciatus have been analyzed in a sympatric Mediterranean area.Location: Castellon province and the Teruel border area, in the M strazgo region. Methods: The nearest neighbor distance has been taken as an […]

Eagles on the Swedish mountain tundra-diet and breeding success in relation to prey fluctuations

Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Science Article 4 abstract We studied the diet and the relationship between prey density fluctuations and breeding success of a Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) population on themountain tundra region of northern Sweden.We used a new PCR basedmethod to analyse theDNAin bone fragments fromGolden Eagle prey remains. This allowed us to accurately […]

Low mitochondrial DNA diversity in the endangered Bonelli’s Eagle ( Hieraaetus fasciatus ) from SW Europe (Iberia) and NW Africa

Bonellis Eagle (Aquila fasciata) Science Article 2 abstract This study is an initial survey of the genetic diversity and population structure of the endangered Bonelli’s Eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus) in SW Europe (Iberia) and NW Africa, two locations where the species has undergone a severe decrease in numbers during the last decades. It is also the […]

Heterogeneus use of space in three breeding territories of Bonelli’s Eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus)

Bonellis Eagle (Aquila fasciata) Science Article 3 abstract Radio-tracking of three breedingadults of Bonelli’s eagle in the ValencianRegion (Spain) was used to estimate their homerange sizes with the minimum convex polygonand Kernel estimator methods and identifytheir core ranges with the last one method.There was a considerable variability in the sizeand shape between the three territories, […]