Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga) Science Article 2
The Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga) is a globally threatened species. It is included into the Lithuanian Red Data Book as extinct or probably extinct. During fieldwork in 2000n2004 four nonterritorial Greater Spotted Eagles were observed. 261 spotted eagles were described in 161 breeding territories (about 15% of the Lesser Spotted Eagle (Aquila pomarina) national population)). 2.7% of birds were identified as Greater Spotted Eagles in 3.7% of the studied territories. Only one territory was occupied by two birds, two territories n by solitary birds and three territories were occupied by Greater Spotted Eagles in pairs together with Lesser Spotted Eagles. Only one mixed pair raised probably a hybrid nestling in 2004. 3% of spotted eagles were difficult to identify, thus it is possible that they could be hybrids of the first or later generations. A presumption is possible that in Lithuania there are up to 15 territories occupied by pairs in which at least one mate is the Greater Spotted Eagle. About seven of these territories could have been occupied by pure pairs of the Greater Spotted Eagle in favourable years
Rimgaudas Treinys, Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 2005, Volumen 15, Numerus 1