Monotypic species
Members of the genus Strix are the wood owls. They are medium to large owls, having a large, rounded head and no ear-tufts. The comparatively large eyes range from yellow through to dark brown. Colouring is generally designed fro camouflage in woodland, and a number of the member of this genus have colour phases. There are 20 species scattered practically throughout the globe with the exception of Australasia, the South Pacific and Madagascar, where the genus Ninox takes its place. There being no clear generic differences between Strix and Ciccaba genera, and DNA evidence suggesting very close relationships, many authorities now merge the latter into the former.
Physical charateristics
on belly; this combination separates it from the Spotted Owl, which it might eventually displace in the Northwest. White spots on back.
Listen to the sound of Barred Owl
[audio: Owl.mp3]
Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto
wingspan min.: | 96 | cm | wingspan max.: | 125 | cm |
size min.: | 40 | cm | size max.: | 63 | cm |
incubation min.: | 28 | days | incubation max.: | 30 | days |
fledging min.: | 28 | days | fledging max.: | 32 | days |
broods: | 1 | eggs min.: | 2 | ||
eggs max.: | 4 |
Favors mostly dense and thick woods with only scattered clearings, especially in low-lying and swampy areas. Most common in deciduous or mixed woods in Southeast, but in North and Northwest may be found in mature coniferous trees.
Site is in large natural hollow in tree, broken-off snag, or on old nest of hawk, crow, or squirrel. Rarely nests on ground. Little or no nest material added. In East, often uses old Red-shouldered Hawk nest; hawk and owl may use the same nest in alterna
te years.
Clutch 2 -3, rarely 4. White. Incubation is mostly or entirely by female, about 28 -33 days; male brings food to incubating female.
Young: Female may remain with young much of time at first, while male hunts and brings back food for her and for young. Age of young at first flight about 6 weeks.
Feeding habits
Eats many mice and other small rodents, also squirrels (including flying squirrels), rabbits, opossums, shrews, other small mammals. Also eats various birds, frogs, salamanders, snakes, lizards, some insects. May take aquatic c
reatures such as crayfish, crabs, fish.
Behavior: Hunts by night or day, perhaps most at dawn and dusk. Seeks prey by watching from perch, also by flying low through forest; may hover before dropping to clutch prey in talons. Like many other owls, coughs up pellets of its prey
Video Barred Owl
copyright: David Quinn