Rose-fronted Parakeet (Pyrrhura roseifrons)

Rose-fronted Parakeet

Rose-fronted Parakeet

[order] PSITTACIFORMES | [family] Psittacidae | [latin] Pyrrhura roseifrons | [authority] Gray, 1859 | [UK] Rose-fronted Parakeet | [FR] Conure rougissante | [DE] Rotscheitelsittich | [ES] Cotorra Pintada | [NL] Roodschedelparkiet | [copyright picture] Tom Friedel


Monotypic species


The genus Pyrrhura includes a rich set of small to medium-sized species of parakeets, mostly confined to dense habitats in South America. Also, they inhabit dry as well as tall rainforests which occur from sea level up to 2000m. These birds exploit several tree species and use a variety of food items, from nectar to pure seeds. All have long, pointed tails, a mainly green plumage, and a relatively narrow, dark greyish to white eye-ring. Many have scaly or barred chest-patterns and a whitish, pale grey, buff or reddish ear-patch. They typically move around in small, noisy flocks, flying swiftly at or below canopy level. Once settled in a tree they tend to be silent (especially if aware of danger) and difficult to spot. They nest in a tree-crevice.

Physical charateristics

Both adults partly green; rose/red forehead and face; maroon/brown lower cheeks; pale yellow ear coverts; dull green/brown breast scalloped with green/yellow; red bend of wing and carpal edge; brown/maroon patch on abdomen; brown/red tail becoming green at base. Bill dark grey. Eye ring bare and cream/white. Eye brown.

Listen to the sound of Rose-fronted Parakeet

[audio: Parakeet.mp3]

Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto

recorded by David Geale

wingspan min.: 0 cm wingspan max.: 0 cm
size min.: 22 cm size max.: 24 cm
incubation min.: 0 days incubation max.: 0 days
fledging min.: 0 days fledging max.: 0 days
broods: 1   eggs min.: 5  
      eggs max.: 7  


South America : West Amazonia. W Amazonia from N Brazil and NE Peru south to N Bolivia.


The Rose-fronted Parakeet is widespread and fairly common in lowland evergreen forest, but the biology of this species is very poorly known. Found up to 1200m (3936 ft) in humid forest in foothills and in lowland terra firme and varzea forests; also in margins and adjacent clearings with tall trees. Seen in stunted forest along riverways with large bamboo patches.


Probably 5-7 eggs which (in captivity) are incubated by both parents. The nest is placed in a tree cavity.

Feeding habits

Probably fruits, berries, seeds, buds, shoots and insects and their larvae. Seen in groups of up to 15 birds; inconspicuous while feeding or resting. Otherwise noisy and active in flight through or above forest canopy.

Video Rose-fronted Parakeet


copyright: swordbilledexp


Not recognized by Birdlife
The taxonomy and nomenclature of Pyrrhura parakeets are complicated. The current classification of the Rose-fronted Parakeet is a good example of this confusing state of affairs. Rose-fronted Parakeet for many decades was classified as a subspecies of the Painted Parakeet (Pyrrhura picta), although the extensively red head of roseifrons makes its appearance seem very different from that of most members of the picta group.


Resident with some local and altitudinal displacements

Distribution map

Rose-fronted Parakeet distribution range map

Updated: February 12, 2012 — 5:40 pm

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