Montane Racket-tail (Prioniturus montanus)

Montane Racquet-tail

Montane Racquet-tail

[order] PSITTACIFORMES | [family] Psittacidae | [latin] Prioniturus montanus | [authority] Ogilvie-Grant, 1895 | [UK] Montane Racket-tail | [FR] Palette des Monts Luzon | [DE] Motmotpapagei | [ES] Lorito Momoto Montano | [NL] Bergstaartvlagpapegaai | [copyright picture] Penny Chen


Genus Species subspecies Region Range
Prioniturus montanus OR Philippines


The taxonomy of racquet-tail parrots, genus Prioniturus, has been often revised with nine species recognised. Six species are endemic to the Philippines, of which three are threatened with extinction. Indonesia, with three species, is the only other country where Prioniturus occur. The island of Buru is home to a single endemic species that is classified as near threatened. The remaining two species, the Golden-mantled Racquet-tail P. platurus and the Yellowish-breasted Racquet-tail P. flavicans both occur on Sulawesi. P. platurus is distributed across the entire island and has the greater altitudinal range of the two species. In contrast, P. flavicans is endemic to the northern peninsula and immediately adjacent offshore islands. It is currently classified as near threatened. Very little is known of the ecology of any Prioniturus species, with data on nesting and breeding behaviour virtually unrecorded. Available information comes from the few nests that have been identified, sightings of juveniles, and the breeding condition of specimen birds.

Physical charateristics

Male: olive/brown rump, face blue, prominent red patch on crown. Central tail feathers green, racquets black/blue, side feathers dark blue tipped black. Bill blue/grey, eye brown. Female: as in male but entire head green.

wingspan min.: 0 cm wingspan max.: 0 cm
size min.: 30 cm size max.: 32 cm
incubation min.: 0 days incubation max.: 0 days
fledging min.: 0 days fledging max.: 0 days
broods: 0   eggs min.: 0  
      eggs max.: 0  


Oriental Region : Philippines. Prioniturus montanus is endemic to Luzon, Philippines, where it is almost entirely confined to montane forest regions (above c.700 m) in the Cordillera Central and the Sierra Madre


Little is known of its ecological requirements: it occurs in humid montane forest from 850 m to 2,900 m.


Breeding occurs in August to September, probably nest in tree holes.

Feeding habits

It feeds on seeds, berries and nuts. Seen singly or in pairs, sometimes in groups; noisy and conspicuous in flight; difficult to find while feeding.


This species is listed as Near Threatened because it has a moderately small range within which its small population is threatened by habitat conversion at lower elevations. However, little is currently known about the population size and structure of, and threats to, this species. Further information will improve the accuarcy of this assessment.
The population is suspected to be in decline owing to habitat destruction, hunting and trapping for the cagebird trade. There is a need for vigilance concerning habitat destruction, hunting and trapping for the cagebird trade, all of which may represent threats to the species.
Montane Racket-tail status Near Threatened



Distribution map

Montane Racket-tail distribution range map

Updated: February 12, 2012 — 3:52 pm

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