Blue-streaked Lory (Eos reticulata)

Blue-streaked Lory

Blue-streaked Lory

[order] PSITTACIFORMES | [family] Psittacidae | [latin] Eos reticulata | [authority] Muller, 1841 | [UK] Blue-streaked Lory | [FR] Lori reticule | [DE] Strichellori | [ES] Lori de las Tanimbar | [NL] Blauwgestreepte Lori | [copyright picture] Doug Janson


Monotypic species


The genus Eos extends over the Moluccas and Western Papuan Islands, but does not occur anywhere near Borneo. Possibly the bird occurred on one of the Moluccas; there are a number of islands within the range of the genus where no representative species actually occurs. Very little is known about the ecology of lories of the genus Eos. All six species in the genus are endemic to Indonesia and most have very restricted ranges. They apparently need large trees to breed successfully. Four of the species, including the Black-winged Lory E. cyanogenia, have been traded in relatively large numbers during the last decade.

Physical charateristics

Both adults in general red plumage; purple/blue stripe from eye across ear coverts to sides of neck; blue/black wash on lower nape to mantle, the feathers streaked purple/blue; red back and rump, the feathers streaked blue; feathers on wing and greater wing coverts red with black tips; brown/black upper tail, dull red under tail. Bill red. Eye orange/red.

Listen to the sound of Blue-streaked Lory

[audio: Lory.mp3]

Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto

recorded by Mike Catsis

wingspan min.: 0 cm wingspan max.: 0 cm
size min.: 31 cm size max.: 33 cm
incubation min.: 0 days incubation max.: 110 days
fledging min.: 130 days fledging max.: 1 days
broods: 1   eggs min.: 3  
      eggs max.: 0  


Australasia : Tanimbar Islands. Eos reticulata is restricted to the Banda Sea Islands Endemic Bird Area, Indonesia, where it is found on Tanimbar (Yamdena and Larat), with populations reported on Babar, Damar and Kai in the late nineteenth century but not since.


Occurs in mangroves, coconut groves, plantations and secondary forest along the coast; also primary forest


No data, in captivity clutch size 2 eggs, young stay in est for about 3 months,

Feeding habits

Habits are similar to those of other Eos species. Usually seen in flying flocks of ten or more birds; flocks are often noisy. When seen singly or in pairs are more shy. No dietry data, visits coconut plantations and sago palms.

Video Blue-streaked Lory


copyright: Josep del Hoyo


This species’s population trends are poorly known, however it may undergo a moderately rapid population decline in the near future owing to the twin ravages of trapping and deforestation, and is therefore classified as Near Threatened.
Habitat loss continues apace in the south of Yamdena and this, combined with continuing trapping, may be causing it to decline.
Blue-streaked Lory status Near Threatened


No data

Distribution map

Blue-streaked Lory distribution range map

Updated: February 29, 2012 — 10:15 am

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