Hornbys Storm-petrel (Oceanodroma hornbyi)

Hornbys Storm-petrel

[order] PROCELLARIIFORMES | [family] Hydrobatidae | [latin] Oceanodroma hornbyi | [authority] G. R. Gray, 1864 | [UK] Hornbys Storm-petrel | [FR] Oceanite de Hornby | [DE] Kragen-Wellenlaufer | [ES] Paino Acollarado | [NL] Gekraagd Stormvogeltje


Genus Species subspecies Region Range
Oceanodroma hornbyi PO se


Storm-petrels are rather small and often dark colored tubenoses with a world wide distribution. All have fine black bills with very pronounced tubes. Storm Petrels are separated in two groups: the long legged, Southern Hemisphere birds subfamily Oceanitinae and the shorter legged species of more northern seas the subfamily Hydrobatinae. The first groups shows more morphological differences than the second. The genera are characterised on colour patterns, the condition of the nasal tubes, tail shape, structure of claws and proportions of the leg bones. The genus Oceanodroma consists of medium-sized petrels; plumage dark or greyish, often with pale rumps; tail more or less forked; tarsus short , middle toe with claw and scutellate; claws narrow.

Physical charateristics

Pale upperparts with underparts white with grey collar. Only oceanodroma wit ha capped-like head. Forehead and hindcolloar white, no eyestripe.

Listen to the sound of Hornbys Storm-petrel

[audio:https://planetofbirds.com/MASTER/PROCELLARIIFORMES/Hydrobatidae/sounds/Hornbys Storm-petrel.mp3]

Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto

recorded by Antje Chiu

wingspan min.: 0 cm wingspan max.: 0 cm
size min.: 21 cm size max.: 23 cm
incubation min.: 0 days incubation max.: 0 days
fledging min.: 0 days fledging max.: 0 days
broods:   eggs min.:  
      eggs max.:  


Pacific Ocean : Southeast. Oceanodroma hornbyi has been observed in thousands in the eastern Pacific Ocean, along the coast of Peru and Chile. Data on overall numbers and trends are lacking, and the breeding grounds have never been found.


Birds may breed on offshore islands or mainland cliffs, but the coast of north Chile is distinctly bereft of islands and the cliffs are largely devoid of deep rocky crevices or soil in which petrels might burrow.


It is most likely they nest in the Atacama Desert. The breeding biology of the Hornby’s Storm-petrel is a mystery, as its colonies and nests have never been found. It is thought to breed between March and July, as this is when fledglings are regularly seen at sea around Lima (in Peru) and Antofagasta (in Chile). There have also been reports of mummified fledglings and adults found in crevices in the Atacama Desert 50 km from the sea, and even reports of one fledgling being seen 150km from the sea, and one unproven report of a bird flying into a nest in the town of Caraz in Peru, 100km from the sea.

Feeding habits

No information on diet, forages by water dipping and snatching from surface.

Video Hornbys Storm-petrel


copyright: Peter Fraser


Data deficient
Hornbys Storm-petrel status Data Deficient


Presumably disperses over waters of Humboldt Current adjacent to breeding grounds; seen Aug-Dec as far N as equator.

Distribution map

Hornbys Storm-petrel distribution range map

Updated: September 11, 2011 — 5:12 am

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