Genus | Species | subspecies | Region | Range |
Oceanodroma | melania | PO | e |
Storm-petrels are rather small and often dark colored tubenoses with a world wide distribution. All have fine black bills with very pronounced tubes. Storm Petrels are separated in two groups: the long legged, Southern Hemisphere birds subfamily Oceanitinae and the shorter legged species of more northern seas the subfamily Hydrobatinae. The first groups shows more morphological differences than the second. The genera are characterised on colour patterns, the condition of the nasal tubes, tail shape, structure of claws and proportions of the leg bones. The genus Oceanodroma consists of medium-sized petrels; plumage dark or greyish, often with pale rumps; tail more or less forked; tarsus short , middle toe with claw and scutellate; claws narrow.
Physical charateristics
Listen to the sound of Black Storm-petrel
[audio: Storm-petrel.mp3]
Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto
wingspan min.: | 46 | cm | wingspan max.: | 51 | cm |
size min.: | 23 | cm | size max.: | 25 | cm |
incubation min.: | 48 | days | incubation max.: | 52 | days |
fledging min.: | 68 | days | fledging max.: | 72 | days |
broods: | 1 | eggs min.: | 1 | ||
eggs max.: | 1 |
arly within a few miles of the mainland coast. Nests on rocky islands.
of pair may rest in nesting burrow for nearly 3 months before egg-laying. Active around colonies mostly or entirely at night. Adults give staccato calls while flying around colonies, changing to a musical trill when inside the nest.
Nest: Site is in small opening among boulders, in crevice in cliff, or in burrow (especially abandoned burrow of Cassin’s Auklet). Usually no nest built, sometimes a few bits of plant material added.
Clutch 1. White, sometimes with small reddish brown spots around larger end. Incubation is probably by both sexes, incubation period not known.
Young: Probably fed by both parents, as in other storm-petrels, but not much is known of their development or age at first flight.
Feeding habits
Diet poorly known. May eat many small fish at times, and has been reported feeding on larval form of the spiny lobster. May also eat small squid. Scavenges floating fat from dead animals at sea.
Behavior: Forages mostly by hovering or fluttering low over water and taking items from surface.

After nesting, moves north regularly as far as central California. Common on Monterey Bay in late summer and fall during years of high water temperature. Most disappear after October, wintering south to waters off Panama and northwestern South America.