Northern House-Martin (Delichon urbicum) Science Article 1
Starting in 1961, from 50-100 villages and settlements in the industrial area of Hannover-Braunschweig (centred on Peine) have been checked at 5-year intervals to count the nesting populationof House Martin Delichon urbica and Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica, the method beinga direct nest count. The hitherto stable Barn Swallow populations declined in the late 1980swhereas the steady increase of House Martin ceased because of new developments followingGerman reunification in 1989. The numerical results are presented. Decrease and increase areanalysed in regard to landscape (hillside-moraine-loess zones), size and economic status of thesettlements (between 50-50 000 inhabitants, traditional rural-highly industrialised areas).
H. Oelke, Ornis Hungarica 12-13: 183-190. 2003