Pied Puffbird (Notharchus tectus)

Pied Puffbird

[order] Galbuliformes | [family] Bucconidae | [latin] Notharchus tectus | [UK] Pied Puffbird | [FR] Tamatia pie | [DE] Elsterfaulvogel | [ES] Buco Pio | [IT] Bucco bianco e nero | [NL] Bonte Baardkoekoek


Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range
Bucco tectus
Notharchus tectus LA Costa Rica through Amazonia
Notharchus tectus picatus e Ecuador and e Peru
Notharchus tectus subtectus e Costa Rica to c Colombia and sw Ecuador
Notharchus tectus tectus s Venezuela, the Guianas and n Brazil

Physical charateristics

Black crown with white spots, white eyebrow. Back, wings (scapular white endings) and tail black. Breast, chin and belly white with a broad black breast band. Stout bill and short legs black.

Listen to the sound of Pied Puffbird

[audio:http://www.aviflevoland.nl/sounddb/P/Pied Puffbird.mp3]

Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto

wingspan min.: 0 cm wingspan max.: 0 cm
size min.: 14 cm size max.: 17 cm
incubation min.: 0 days incubation max.: 0 days
fledging min.: 0 days fledging max.: 0 days
broods: 0   eggs min.: 1  
      eggs max.: 3  


It is found in Bolivia, northern Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Suriname, and southern Venezuela. Common bird in Suriname in the coastal plane and plantation areas.


Prefers subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and heavily degraded former forest.


Nests in excavated holes in arboreal termitaria (4-25 meter above ground), clutch size usually 2 eggs. No further data.

Feeding habits

Forages mostly high up in canopy. Diet exclusively insects like bettles, dragonflies, ants and wasps. Reported foraging at arboreal termitaria.


This species has a large range, with an estimated global extent of occurrence of 5,400,000 km². The global population size has not been quantified, but it is believed to be large as the species is described as ‘frequent’ in at least parts of its range (Stotz et al. 1996). Global population trends have not been quantified, but the species is not believed to approach the thresholds for the population decline criterion of the IUCN Red List (i.e., declining more than 30% in ten years or three generations). For these reasons, the species is evaluated as Least Concern.
Pied Puffbird status Least Concern


Sedentary throughout range, but appears to move around countryside.seasonally

Distribution map

Pied Puffbird range map


Updated: May 8, 2011 — 1:00 am

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