Crimson Topaz (Topaza pella) Science Article 1
We review the distribution, variation, and taxonomy of the Crimson Topaz (Topaza pella) and theFiery Topaz (Topaza pyra). Both taxa show sexual dimorphism of foot color and notable age-related variationin plumage. Topaza pyra shows distinct and reliable differences from T. pella and warrants specific status.We describe a new subspecies, T. pyra amaruni, and delineate diagnostic features for T. pella pella, T. pellasmaragdula, and T. pella microrhyncha. Topaza pella pamprepta is based on specimens with incorrect locality dataand should be regarded as a synonym of T. p. smaragdula. We note recent range extensions for both species.Our findings serve, we hope, to illuminate directions for further research on these hummingbirds
Da-Shih Hu, Leo Joseph & David Agro, ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL 11: 123-142