Genus | Species | subspecies | Region | Range |
Plegadis | chihi | NA, LA | c USA to c Argentina |
Plegadis is a bird genus in the family Threskiornithidae. Member species are found on every continent except Antarctica as well as a number of islands. Among the extensive vertebrate and invertebrate fossils recovered from the Rexroad local fauna of the Upper Pliocene of Meade County, Kansas are remains of the Recent species of ibis Mesembrinibis cayennensis and Phimosus infuscatus. The extinct species Plegadis gracilis and an ibis of the genus Eudocimus were also identified from this fauna. Ecological information derived from these ibises and previous work indicate that this area probably had a warm, moist, frost-free, tropical climate as is found today in parts of northern South America where ibises of these genera are sympatric.
Physical charateristics
at the base of the bill; also red legs and red lores. Immatures and non-breeding adults lack the white on the face and the red legs.
Listen to the sound of White-faced Ibis
[audio: Ibis.mp3]
Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto
wingspan min.: | 0 | cm | wingspan max.: | 0 | cm |
size min.: | 46 | cm | size max.: | 56 | cm |
incubation min.: | 21 | days | incubation max.: | 22 | days |
fledging min.: | 0 | days | fledging max.: | 0 | days |
broods: | 1 | eggs min.: | 3 | ||
eggs max.: | 5 |
For foraging, favors very shallow water, as in marshes, flooded pastures, irrigated fields. Sometimes in damp meadows with no standing water. Prefers freshwater marsh, but sometimes forages in salt marsh.
Nest: Site is usually in dense marsh growth (such as bulrush or cattails) or in low shrubs or trees above water, sometimes on ground on islands. Nest (built by b
oth sexes) is bulky platform of bulrushes or other plant stems, with depression at center. Material gathered close to nest site, sometimes stolen from vacant nests of other birds.
Clutch 3 -4, sometimes 2 -5. Clutches of more than 5 probably result from other females laying eggs in nest. Eggs pale blue-green to dark turquoise. Incubation is by both sexes, 17
-26 days, usually 21 -22 days.
Young: Both parents feed young, by regurgitation. At age of 3 weeks, young may move about outside nest; attempt to fly at 4 weeks, can usually fly fairly well at 5 weeks.
Feeding habits
Behavior: Can locate prey by touch or by sight. Forages mostly by wading in shallow water, probing in soft mud for food. Also picks insects and other items from surface of water or soil, or from plants above water.
Video White-faced Ibis
copyright: Don DesJardin
The overall trend is increasing, although some populations may be stable (Wetlands International 2006). This species has undergone a large and statistically significant increase over the last 40 years in North America (4300% increase over 40 years, equating to a 157% increase per decade

Present all year in southern California and coastal Texas and Louisiana; migratory elsewhere. Birds from all populations are likely to wander. Strays have reached Atlantic Coast often in recent decades.