Category: Pteroclidiformes


Spotted Sandgrouse (Pterocles senegallus) Science Article 1 abstract Many species of desert birds are relatively small (< 500 g), diurnally active ground dwellers that are naturally exposed to high ambient temperatures (T,) and low relativehumidities (RH). Sandgrouse (Pteroclididae), being small birds (weighing between 200 and 400 g) having a relatively high standard metabolic rate (SMR), […]

Spotted Sandgrouse (Pterocles senegallus)

[order] PTEROCLIDIFORMES | [family] Pteroclididae | [latin] Pterocles senegallus | [UK] Spotted Sandgrouse | [FR] Ganga tachete | [DE] Tropfen-Flughuhn | [ES] Ganga Moteada | [NL] Sahelzandhoen Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics Diagnostic longitudinal black stripe on belly, more conspicuous during flight, dark trailing edge of wing. Throat and sides of head ochre or orange-yellow, […]

Black-bellied Sandgrouse (Pterocles orientalis)

[order] PTEROCLIDIFORMES | [family] Pteroclididae | [latin] Pterocles orientalis | [UK] Black-bellied Sandgrouse | [FR] Ganga unibande | [DE] Sand-Flughuhn | [ES] Ortega | [NL] Zwartbuikzandhoen Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Pterocles orientalis EU sw, also n AF Pterocles orientalis arenarius Kazakhstan to s Iran and Afghanistan, east […]

Pallass Sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes paradoxus)

[order] PTEROCLIDIFORMES | [family] Pteroclididae | [latin] Syrrhaptes paradoxus | [UK] Pallass Sandgrouse | [FR] Syrrhapte paradoxal | [DE] Steppen-Flughuhn | [ES] Ganga de Pallas | [NL] Steppehoen Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Pterocles paradoxus Syrrhaptes paradoxus EU c Physical charateristics Pallas’s sandgrouse are medium-sized sandgrouse that range […]

Pin-tailed Sandgrouse (Pterocles alchata)

[order] PTEROCLIDIFORMES | [family] Pteroclididae | [latin] Pterocles alchata | [UK] Pin-tailed Sandgrouse | [FR] Ganga cata | [DE] Spiess-Flughuhn | [ES] Ganga comun | [NL] Witbuikzandhoen Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Pterocles alchata EU sw, also n AF Pterocles alchata alchata Iberian Pen., se France Pterocles alchata […]