Category: sciencedaily

Some Birds Can Communicate About Behavior Of Predators

With the aid of various alarm calls the Siberian jay bird species tells other members of its group what their main predators-hawks-are doing. The alarm calls are sufficient for Siberian jays to evince situation-specific fleeing behaviors, which enhances their chances of survival. This discovery, being published by Uppsala University researcher Michael Griesser in the journal […]

More Than One-quarter Of US Bird Species Imperiled, Report States

One hundred seventy-eight species in the continental U.S. and 39 in Hawaii have the dubious distinction of landing on the newest and most scientifically sound list of America’s most imperiled birds. WatchList 2007, a joint effort of Audubon and American Bird Conservancy, reflects a comprehensive analysis of population size and trends, distribution, and threats for […]

Bird-flu Expert Calls For Changes In Early-warning System

Global surveillance is critical for identifying and tracking potential pandemic viruses such as highly pathogenic H5N1. But the current surveillance strategy in wild birds is piecemeal and risks missing important virus sources or subtypes, Walter Boyce writes in a commentary.* Boyce says scientists must take several steps to catch avian influenza viruses before they catch […]

Penguins In Peril As Climate Warms

The report, Antarctic Penguins and Climate Change, shows that the four populations of penguins that breed on the Antarctic continent – Adlie, Emperor, Chinstrap and Gentoo – are under escalating pressure. For some, global warming is taking away precious ground on which penguins raise their young. For others, food has become increasingly scarce because of […]

Songbirds Offer Clues To Highly Practiced Motor Skills In Humans

The melodious sound of a songbird may appear effortless, but his elocutions are actually the result of rigorous training undergone in youth and maintained throughout adulthood. His tune has virtually ‘crystallized’ by maturity. The same control is seen in the motor performance of top athletes and musicians. Yet, subtle variations in highly practiced skills persist […]