Category: news

Crane Cam goes live!

Audubon (BirdLife in US) and National Geographic have teamed-up to allow people online around the globe to witness the largest concentration of Sandhill Cranes Grus canadensis in the world from a unique ?cranes-eye view?. The Crane Cam is providing outstanding views of Sandhill Cranes in the shallow waters of the Platte River within Audubon?s Rowe […]

Fijian island beats the rat-race?

A partnership between BirdLife International and the Nagilogilo Clan of Vatuira has resulted in the successful eradication of Pacific Rats Rattus exulans from this internationally important seabird colony. Vatuira – a small island located 15 km from the coast of Fiji?s largest island Viti Levu – is an Important Bird Area (IBA) for several seabird […]

Kazakhstan study helps to identify wealth of new IBAs

Identifying Important Bird Areas (IBAs), and ensuring their long-term protection, cannot be achieved without detailed information of the bird populations occurring within them. This was highlighted by a study published this month in BirdLife?s journal Bird Conservation International. The authors produced new data from Kazakhstan highlighting the importance of land surrounding the protected Korgalzhynskiy nature […]