Category: news

Disease Risks When Moving Wildlife To New Areas: Endangered Laysan Duck Cautionary Tale

Laysan ducks, one of the world’s most endangered waterfowl, are native to only the Hawaiian archipelago. For 150 years, Laysan ducks were restricted to an estimated 4 square kilometers of land on Laysan Island in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands. In 2004 and 2005, in an effort to rebuild the population, biologists released 42 Laysan ducks […]

Indian lesser flamingos compared to their African cousins in new genetic study

A University of Leicester conservation biologist – David Harper, from the Department of Biology – is leading a study which will establish whether lesser flamingos of India and Africa are genetically identical or not. The Asian population of flamingos, which is the second largest in the world, is concentrated in Gujarat. However, the African flamingos […]

BirdLife welcomes passing of law to secure transboundary ecosystems in East Africa

The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) has passed a crucial law that could transform how transboundary ecosystems and resources in East Africa are managed. EALA is the legislative arm of the East African Community, a regional block bringing together five countries, namely, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. Hon. Dr. George Nangale, the former Chairman […]