Category: birdlife

Fijian island beats the rat-race?

A partnership between BirdLife International and the Nagilogilo Clan of Vatuira has resulted in the successful eradication of Pacific Rats Rattus exulans from this internationally important seabird colony. Vatuira – a small island located 15 km from the coast of Fiji?s largest island Viti Levu – is an Important Bird Area (IBA) for several seabird […]

Paraguay?s first Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network site – right on the capital?s doorstep!

Monitoring of shorebirds by Guyra Paraguay (BirdLife Partner in Paraguay) has resulted in the designation of the country?s first Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) site. Baha de Asuncin – an IBA wetland just north of Paraguay?s capital city Asuncin – has been identified as a key site for the Near Threatened Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites […]

Sugar is not so sweet

A flourishing wetland on Kenya?s northern coast is under serious threat from plans to grow vast amounts of sugarcane, partly for biofuel production. Developers want to transform nearly 20,000 hectares of the spectacular Tana River Delta, into sugarcane plantations with other parts of the Delta earmarked for rice. read more at birdlife

BirdLife International condemns violent act against its Maltese Partner

BirdLife International strongly condemns the arson attack on Sunday February 17, on three cars belonging to BirdLife Malta volunteers. The attack completely destroyed the three vehicles. Police have informed BirdLife Malta that the incident was most probably a criminal act. BirdLife regrets the ongoing conflict about spring hunting, over which Malta has recently been taken […]