This years World Wetlands Day (WWD) theme is Wetlands and Tourism and BirdLife Partners in the Caribbean are ready to be part of the experience. The Bahamas National Trust (BirdLife in the Bahamas) is showcasing the Harrold and Wilson Ponds National Park (HWNP) to tourists in celebration of these very important ecosystems. The tourists from […]
Category: birdlife
Spring Alive sees early arrival of migratory birds to Europe
In recent weeks, participants in BirdLife?s Spring Alive campaign have been spotting the arrival of migratory birds all around Europe. Spring Alive invites citizens – especially children – from all over Europe to record their first sightings of Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica, Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus, Common Swift Apus apus and White Stork Ciconia ciconia. […]
Short-tailed Albatross chicks moved out of the shadow of the volcano
Ten Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus chicks have been moved by helicopter, from their current stronghold on Torishima Island to the site of a former colony 350 km to the South-east. read more at birdlife
Crane Cam goes live!
Audubon (BirdLife in US) and National Geographic have teamed-up to allow people online around the globe to witness the largest concentration of Sandhill Cranes Grus canadensis in the world from a unique ?cranes-eye view?. The Crane Cam is providing outstanding views of Sandhill Cranes in the shallow waters of the Platte River within Audubon?s Rowe […]
Fijian island beats the rat-race?
A partnership between BirdLife International and the Nagilogilo Clan of Vatuira has resulted in the successful eradication of Pacific Rats Rattus exulans from this internationally important seabird colony. Vatuira – a small island located 15 km from the coast of Fiji?s largest island Viti Levu – is an Important Bird Area (IBA) for several seabird […]
Beck?s Petrel flies back from extinction!
A bird that was known only from two records from the 1920s has been discovered in the Pacific after a gap of 79 years. Sightings of the Critically Endangered Beck?s Petrel Pseudobulweria becki – published by the British Ornithologists’ Club – have finally proven the species is still in existence, and delighted conservationists. read more […]
Common insect-eating birds suffer dramatic declines…
New research by Bird Studies Canada (BirdLife Partner in Canada) has highlighted alarming trends in insect-eating birds. In the last two decades alone, populations of many common bug-eating species – such as Sand Martin Riparia riparia, Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor and Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica – have declined by over 70%. With many of the […]
BirdLife Cyprus cries foul over weak penalty for falcon slaughterers
A pair of poachers involved in the shocking shooting of 52 Red-footed Falcons Falco Vespertinus at Akrotiri, Cyprus, last year were yesterday fined a ?derisory? ?1,250 each, BirdLife Cyprus protested. The British Sovereign Base Area (SBA) court could have imposed a maxiumum penalty of ?17,000 and three years imprisonment. The massacre was the worst case […]
Critical birds in the picture (and on the page)
BirdLife International. Last year’s Rare Birds Yearbook photo competition was a huge success with more than 1,000 images being submitted and the best were presented in Rare Birds Yearbook 2008, with each published photographer receiving a free copy of the book. The photo competition for Rare Birds Yearbook 2009 has just been launched and will […]
Paraguay?s first Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network site – right on the capital?s doorstep!
Monitoring of shorebirds by Guyra Paraguay (BirdLife Partner in Paraguay) has resulted in the designation of the country?s first Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) site. Baha de Asuncin – an IBA wetland just north of Paraguay?s capital city Asuncin – has been identified as a key site for the Near Threatened Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites […]