Category: birdlife

The Caribbean wetland experience

This years World Wetlands Day (WWD) theme is Wetlands and Tourism and BirdLife Partners in the Caribbean are ready to be part of the experience. The Bahamas National Trust (BirdLife in the Bahamas) is showcasing the Harrold and Wilson Ponds National Park (HWNP) to tourists in celebration of these very important ecosystems. The tourists from […]

Crane Cam goes live!

Audubon (BirdLife in US) and National Geographic have teamed-up to allow people online around the globe to witness the largest concentration of Sandhill Cranes Grus canadensis in the world from a unique ?cranes-eye view?. The Crane Cam is providing outstanding views of Sandhill Cranes in the shallow waters of the Platte River within Audubon?s Rowe […]

Fijian island beats the rat-race?

A partnership between BirdLife International and the Nagilogilo Clan of Vatuira has resulted in the successful eradication of Pacific Rats Rattus exulans from this internationally important seabird colony. Vatuira – a small island located 15 km from the coast of Fiji?s largest island Viti Levu – is an Important Bird Area (IBA) for several seabird […]

Kazakhstan study helps to identify wealth of new IBAs

Identifying Important Bird Areas (IBAs), and ensuring their long-term protection, cannot be achieved without detailed information of the bird populations occurring within them. This was highlighted by a study published this month in BirdLife?s journal Bird Conservation International. The authors produced new data from Kazakhstan highlighting the importance of land surrounding the protected Korgalzhynskiy nature […]