The common piping-guan (yura pahua) is said to lead its chicks through patches of the herb known as pahua yuyu in the early morning. In this way, the chicks will bathe in the dew accumulated on the leaves of this Ventura notes that when the piping-guans plant; this, it is believed, will make them grow […]
Category: Cracidae
Bird stories, the Plain and Black Chachalaca
In Mopan Maya folklore the call of the Black Chachalaca (Penelopina nigra) is said to indicate it will rain soon. In the Mayan writings, there frequently occur representations of a bird that was evidently used for sacrificial purposes. It is shown with erectile head feathers and a ring of circular marks about the eye,it probably […]
Bird stories, Black Curassow (Crax alector)
In the very beginning of things a trumpeter and a curassow decided upon a matrimonial alliance, but domestic troubles soon broke out, and there was no possibility of a reconciliation; it was thereupon decided to lay the case before the gods who live on the summit of Mount Duida. The wise gods ordered them to […]
Spixs Guan (Penelope jacquacu) Science Article 1 abstract Curassows, guans, and chachalacas (familyCracidae) are large-bodied (400 g to 3500 g)galliform birds found exclusively in the Americas,with most species restricted to SouthAmerica (Delacour & Amadon 1973, delHoyo 1994). Despite their important role inforest dynamics as dispersers of seed plants,most cracid species remain poorly known(Strahl & Grajal […]
Marail Guan (Penelope marail) Science Article 1 abstract Curassows, guans, and chachalacas (familyCracidae) are large-bodied (400 g to 3500 g)galliform birds found exclusively in the Americas,with most species restricted to SouthAmerica (Delacour & Amadon 1973, delHoyo 1994). Despite their important role inforest dynamics as dispersers of seed plants,most cracid species remain poorly known(Strahl & Grajal […]
Notes on a Nest of the Guianan Chachalaca
Little Chachalaca (Ortalis motmot) Science Article 1 abstract Guianan Chachalaca (Ortalis motmot) is rather common in the coastal area and the savanna region of Surinam. It is not a bird of thick forests but its favorite habitat is dense patches of jungle along the rivers and creeks and also the sandy savanna’s covered with scattered […]
Notes on a Nest of the Guianan Chachalaca
Little Chachalaca (Ortalis motmot) Science Article 1 abstract Guianan Chachalaca (Ortalis motmot) is rather common in the coastal area and the savanna region of Surinam. It is not a bird of thick forests but its favorite habitat is dense patches of jungle along the rivers and creeks and also the sandy savanna’s covered with scattered […]
Black Curassow (Crax alector) Science Article 1 abstract Curassows, guans, and chachalacas (familyCracidae) are large-bodied (400 g to 3500 g)galliform birds found exclusively in the Americas,with most species restricted to SouthAmerica (Delacour & Amadon 1973, delHoyo 1994). Despite their important role inforest dynamics as dispersers of seed plants,most cracid species remain poorly known(Strahl & Grajal […]
Black Curassow (Crax alector)
[order] GALLIFORMES | [family] Cracidae | [latin] Crax alector | [UK] Black Curassow | [FR] Hocco alector | [DE] Glattschnabel-Hokko | [ES] Pavon Guayanes | [NL] Zwarte Hokko Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Crax alector SA n Amazonia Genus Physical charateristics Both genders have black plumage, white abdomens, and identically sized and colored ceres. […]
White-headed Piping-Guan (Pipile cumanensis)
[order] GALLIFORMES | [family] Cracidae | [latin] Pipile cumanensis | [UK] White-headed Piping-Guan | [FR] Penelope siffleuse | [DE] Blaukehl-Guan | [ES] Pava Goliazul | [NL] Blauwkeelgoean Subspecies Monotypic species Genus Physical charateristics The blue-throated piping guan, has glossy black feathers with large, white wing patches, and the chest and wing tips are flecked with […]