Pomarine Skua (Stercorarius pomarinus) Science Article 1 abstract Several recent studies of seabirds have found high levels of nonbreeding by experienced adults. By contrast, just 8.9% (range 4-14%) of experienced Great Skuas (Catharacta skua) on Foula, Shetland Islands, deferred breeding between 1989-1996. For Parasitic Jaegers (Stercorarius parasiticus), a corresponding value of 5.5% (range 3-8%) was […]
Category: Stercorariidae
Predation by great skuas at a large Shetland seabird colony
Great Skua (Stercorarius skua) Science Article 1 abstract 1) Skuas are top predators in marine ecosystems and may have detrimental effects on seabird communities they prey upon. However, predation rates are poorly understood and poorly quantified. Using a bio-energetics model we estimate seabird predation by great skuas, Stercorarius skua , at a large UK colony […]
Sex-biased environmental sensitivity: natural and experimental evidence from a bird species with larger females
Great Skua (Stercorarius skua) Science Article 2 abstract The larger sex is often more vulnerable, in terms of development and survival, to poor conditions during early life. Differential vulnerability has implications for parental investment strategies such as sex ratio theory. When males are larger, it is not possible to separate the effects of larger size […]
The incidence of nonbreeding by adult Great Skuas and Parasitic Jaegers from Foula, Shetland
Great Skua (Stercorarius skua) Science Article 3 abstract Several recent studies of seabirds have found high levels of nonbreeding by experienced adults. By contrast, just 8.9% (range 4-14%) of experienced Great Skuas (Catharacta skua) on Foula, Shetland Islands, deferred breeding between 1989-1996. For Parasitic Jaegers (Stercorarius parasiticus), a corresponding value of 5.5% (range 3-8%) was […]
South Polar Skua (Stercorarius maccormicki)
[order] CHARADRIIFORMES | [family] Stercorariidae | [latin] Stercorarius maccormicki | [UK] South Polar Skua | [FR] Labbe de Mac Cormick | [DE] Antarktikskua | [ES] Pagalo Polar | [NL] Zuidpooljager Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics Near size of Western and Herring gulls, but stockier, with a deep-chested, hunch-shouldered look. Dark, with a short, slightly wedge-shaped […]
Pomarine Skua (Stercorarius pomarinus)
[order] CHARADRIIFORMES | [family] Stercorariidae | [latin] Stercorarius pomarinus | [UK] Pomarine Skua | [FR] Labbe pomarin | [DE] Spatel-Raubmowe | [ES] Pagalo pomarino | [NL] Middelste Jager Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics The Pomarine Jaeger is the largest of the jaegers. Adults have long central tail feathers that are twisted 90 degrees, but these […]
Great Skua (Stercorarius skua)
[order] CHARADRIIFORMES | [family] Stercorariidae | [latin] Stercorarius skua | [UK] Great Skua | [FR] Grand Labbe | [DE] Skua | [ES] Pagalo Grande | [NL] Grote Jager Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics A large, dark, heavy-bodied, gull-like bird, mottled gray-brown with conspicuous white patches on the outer wing. Tail short and blunt. Immatures of […]
Arctic Skua (Stercorarius parasiticus)
Charadriiformes Stercorariidae Arctic Skua (Stercorarius parasiticus) [order] Charadriiformes | [family] Stercorariidae | [latin] Stercorarius parasiticus | [UK] Arctic Skua | [FR] Labbe parasite | [DE] Schmarotzerraubmöwe | [ES] Págalo Parásito | [IT] Labbo | [NL] Kleine Jager Physical charateristics The Parasitic Jaeger (known in most of the world as the Arctic Skua) is medium in […]