Large Frogmouth (Batrachostomus auritus)

Large Frogmouth

[order] CAPRIMULGIFORMES | [family] Podargidae | [latin] Batrachostomus auritus | [UK] Large Frogmouth | [FR] Podarge oreillard | [DE] Riesen-Froschmaul | [ES] Podargo Orejudo | [NL] Grote Kikkerbek


Monotypic species

Physical charateristics

Listen to the sound of Large Frogmouth

[audio: Frogmouth.mp3]

Copyright remark: Most sounds derived from xeno-canto

wingspan min.: 0 cm wingspan max.: 0 cm
size min.: 40 cm size max.: 43 cm
incubation min.: 0 days incubation max.: 0 days
fledging min.: 0 days fledging max.: 0 days
broods: 1   eggs min.: 1  
      eggs max.: 1  


Oriental Region : Malay Penin., Sumatra, Borneo. Batrachostomus auritus occurs very sparsely in south peninsular Thailand, Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, Kalimantan (including the Natuna and Labuan islands) and Sumatra, Indonesia and Brunei.


It occurs in lowland evergreen forest including primary forest, secondary forest and swamp-forest, to at least 250 m, perhaps 1,000 m.


Nest is rather small but thick circular pad well attached to a slender branch. On one occasion the nest wasd 1-3m above ground. Clutch size probably 1.

Feeding habits

The diet includes grasshoppers, cicadas, crickets and beetles. Hunts by sallying and gleaning insects from ground and branches


This forest-dependent species is listed as Near Threatened because it is assumed to have experienced moderately rapid declines owing to the extensive loss of lowland forests from large areas of the Sundaic lowlands. It is not considered more threatened because it can use secondary habitats.

Rates of forest loss in the Sundaic lowlands have been extremely rapid (Kalimantan lost nearly 25% of its evergreen forest during 1985-1997, and Sumatra lost almost 30% of its 1985 cover), because of a variety of factors, including the escalation of logging and land conversion, with deliberate targeting of all remaining stands of valuable timber including those inside protected areas, plus forest fires (particularly in 1997-1998)

Large Frogmouth status Near Threatened


Probably sedentary

Distribution map

Large Frogmouth distribution range map

Updated: June 13, 2011 — 8:36 pm

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