Factors affecting how male and female bobolinks apportion parental investments

Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) Science Article 7


Male and female Bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) adjust the amount of time spent brooding and provisioning nestlings at primary nests in light of prevailing weather conditions and food availability. Males brood nestlings less and feed them more (mg/h) when food is scarce, regardless of weather conditions. Primary (i.e., first-mated) females brood nestlings more and maintain feeding rates when food is scarce and weather is stormy. When food is scarce and weather is good, primary females brood nestlings less and feed them more. Increased provisioning results from both faster delivery rates and larger numbers of food items delivered per trip for both sexes. In this 4-year study conducted in Oregon, male Bobolinks delivered about 60% of the food fed to older primary nestlings when weather was poor and food was scarce, about 50% when weather was good and food was scarce, and about 40% when weather was good and food was abundant. In the year when weather was good and food was scarce, males delivered about 70% of the food during the brooding period and about 50% thereafter.

JAMES F. WITTENBERGER, Condor 84~22-39, 1982

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Updated: February 12, 2012 — 10:10 pm

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