Activity budgets of mallards and american wigeon wintering in east-central Alabama

American Wigeon (Anas americana) Science Article 1


Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and American Wigeon (A. americana) were studied in Alabama from November through February 1983-85. Resting was the major activity of Mallards (39-54%) and feeding was the major activity of American Wigeon (45- 7 1%). Mallards increased feeding during the colder winter of 1983-84, but wigeon did not. Locomotion (8-21% and 5-26%) and comfort (4-22% and 4-13%) also were dominant behavioral activities of Mallards and American Wigeon, respectively. Total time spent in alert, courtship, and agonistic behavior was low for both species (< 11%). Mallards and wigeon rested most on river sites, while managed impoundments were used most for feeding and social activity. Received 18 July 1986, accepted 27 Feb. 1987

Richard E. Turnbull AND Guy A. Baldassarre, Wilson Bull., 99(3), 1987, pp. 457464

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Updated: December 26, 2011 — 12:22 am

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