American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus) Science Article 2
An effective and efficient bird monitoring program is challenging to develop, given the different level of intensity of monitoring and the statistical vigor that monitoring programs must meet to effectively address specific objectives. I evaluated the marsh bird monitoring program established at Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge (AGNWR) within the framework of the three primary elements (WHY, WHAT, HOW) described by Yoccoz et al. (2001). The objective (WHY) of the monitoring program was to monitoring long-term changes and habitat management of marsh bird species at AGNWR. A set of a priori models were developed and the program PRESENCE 2.0 was used to model occupancy and detection probabilities of five marsh bird species with wetland management actions (wetland drawdown and prescribed burn) and wind speed as covariates.
SOCHEATA K. LOR, University of Missouri – Columbia