The White-shouldered Ibis population is very rapidly diminishing. The reasons are not fully understood but certainly habitat loss, hunting and disturbance are on-going threats. If effective protection measures could be in place in north-eastern Cambodia and along the Mekong channel, the species largest population may be saved. It is now estimated at a 650 mature […]
Category: Ciconiiformes
Rarest birds of the World: White-bellied Heron (Ardea insignis)
This heron has an extremely small and rapidly declining population. The population will further decrease in the next few years. The loss and degradation of lowland forest and wetlands, hunting, egg collecting and disturbance are the mean reasons for this ongoing decline. This is a 127 cm very large, long-necked heron. In fact in the […]
The Story of the Water of Life and Death
The hero of the tale, Floria, having shown some kindness to a stork, who afterwards turns out to be the king of the storks, receives from him a feather, which when taken up at any time of danger would bring the stork to him and help him. And thus it came to pass that the […]
The Story of the Heron and the digging of Wells.
When God had created the world, there were no springs or wells. The only water from which to satisfy the thirst of all the creatures was rain-water. After a time the rain was not enough to satisfy them all; the grass and trees were fading and withering, burnt up by the fiery heat of the […]
The White Stork and the bring baby story
According to European folklore, the stork is responsible for bringing babies to new parents. The legend is very ancient, but was popularised by a 19th century Hans Christian Andersen story called The Storks. German folklore held that storks found babies in caves or marshes and brought them to households in a basket on their backs […]
The King who became a Stork and the evil wizard
Once upon a time in Persia there lived a handsome young man called Sasha, who was the Ruler and greatly loved by all. Sasha had only one enemy, Kashenor, a cruel wicked wizard whose desire was to put his own son Mizrah on Sasha’s throne. Sasha loved to collect ancient precious objects, and he always […]
Bird stories, Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)
The Bohemians declare that the heron warns men of their danger when lost in the marshes, and endeavours by her cry to lead them to a safe place. It is said in Ireland that small eels pass through the intestines of a, heron uninjured, so that it swallows the same individual several times in succession. […]
Bird stories, American Bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus)
Great American bittern has the power of emitting a light from its breast, equal to the light of a common torch, which illuminates the water so as to enable it to discover its prey. Ingersoll, Ernest, 1852-1946. Birds in legend, fable and folklore. New York, London Longmans, Green and co., 1923
The Little Blue Heron in California
Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea) Science Article 4 abstract On 4 July 1976 William T. Everett, Curtis Stuteville and I discovered an adult Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea) near the mouth of the New River at the south end of the Salton Sea, Imperial County. This bird was perching in an area of drowned trees […]
Aplomado Falcon Steals Prey From Little Blue Heron
Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea) Science Article 2 abstract A juvenile male Aplomado Falcon (Falcofemoralis) was observed to steal crayfish(Cambarus diogenes) from Little Blue Herons (Egretta caerulea). Crayfish are not known tobe a common prey item of the Aplomado Falcon. To our knowledge this is the first instanceof piracy reported for this falcon. Falcons of […]