Nidificacion y habitat del petrel de wilson (Oceani tes oceanicus) en punta cierva, costa de Danco, peninsula antartica

Wilsons Storm-petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) Science Article 1


Studies on Wilson’s Storm-Petrel population at Cierva Point, Danco Coast, Antarctic Peninsula (64 09 deg S,60 57 deg W), were done in the austral summer 1994-1995. The research was carried out in two areas, along the rockycoast and in the moss-covered hillsides. The mean density of nests was 4/100 m2 in the first area and 1/100 m2in the second. In the hillside study area the species showed a preference for rocky slopes. This tendency to preferrocky areas explains the continuous distribution of the species along the coast but patchy along hillsides. An areainfluenced by human presence had a density of 17 nests/100 m2 compared 3 nests/100 m2 in another area notdisturbed by man. Along the Danco Coast at least, Wilson’ Storm-Petrel is not affected by men’s activities.

Jose Luis Orgeira, ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL 8: 49-56, 1997

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