Tag: White-fronted Manakin

Observations of the White-fronted Manakin (Pipra serena) in Suriname

White-fronted Manakin (Lepidothrix serena) Science Article 1 abstract The White-fronted Manakin (Pipra serena) is found in the highlands of the Guianas, southeastern Venezuela, and adjacent northern Brazil (Haverschmidt 1968,M eyer de Schauensee and Phelps1978). Pipra serena is a small manakin (7-8 g) of the P. coronata species-group (Snow 1979). Males are distinguished by their velvety […]


White-fronted Manakin (Lepidothrix serena) Science Article 2 abstract The White-fronted Manakin, Lepidothrix serena (formerly in the genus Pipra), is currently recognized as a polytypic species that includes nominate serena, from the eastern Guianan region, and suavissima, from southern and eastern Venezuela and Guyana. Nominate serena and suavissima are significantly different in plumage, syringeal morphology, and […]

Observations of the White-fronted Manakin (Pipra serena) in Suriname

White-fronted Manakin (Lepidothrix serena) Science Article 1 abstract The White-fronted Manakin (Pipra serena) is found in the highlands of the Guianas, southeastern Venezuela, and adjacent northern Brazil (Haverschmidt 1968,M eyer de Schauensee and Phelps1978). Pipra serena is a small manakin (7-8 g) of the P. coronata species-group (Snow 1979). Males are distinguished by their velvety […]

White-fronted Manakin (Lepidothrix serena)

[order] PASSERIFORMES | [family] Pipridae | [latin] Lepidothrix serena | [UK] White-fronted Manakin | [FR] Manakin a front blanc | [DE] Weissstirn-Pipra | [ES] Saltarin Frentiblanco | [NL] Witvoorhoofdmanakin Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics The male is black, with a brilliant white forehead, a blue back, a yellowish-orange chest and a yellow belly; the female […]