Tiny Hawk (Accipiter superciliosus) Science Article 1 abstract This paper describes the hunting tactics of the Tiny Hawk, Accipiter superciliosusfontanieri, in a Costa Rican rain forest, where it appears to be a hummingbird specialist. Three tactics were used by the hawks to hunt hummingbirds: typical Accipiter still-hunting (probably not specifically for hummingbirds), waiting in ambush […]
Tag: Tiny Hawk
Tiny Hawk (Accipiter superciliosus)
[order] ACCIPITRIFORMES | [family] Accipitridae | [latin] Accipiter superciliosus | [authority] Linnaeus, 1766 | [UK] Tiny Hawk | [FR] Epervier nain | [DE] Daumlingssperber | [ES] Gavilancito Americano | [NL] Dwergsperwer Subspecies Monotypic species Genus Members of the genus Accipiter are small and medium-sized hawks, often called Sparrow-hawks or Goshawks. The females are almost invariably […]