Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) Science Article 1 abstract This study examines the effect of moonlight intensity on deermouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) vulnerability to predation by short-eared owls (Asio flammeus). Three nocturnal light intensities, labeled new moon, quarter moon, and full moon, were simulated in a flight chamber. Deermouse activity was observed and measured by an index […]
Tag: Short-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)
[order] STRIGIFORMES | [family] Strigidae | [latin] Asio flammeus | [authority] Pontoppidan, 1763 | [UK] Short-eared Owl | [FR] Hibou marais | [DE] Sumpfohreule | [ES] Lechuza Campestre | [NL] Velduil Subspecies Monotypic species Genus Asio is a genus of typical owls, or true owls, in family Strigidae. The genus Asio contains the eared owls, […]