Tag: all of Saxicola

Slow pace of life in tropical sedentary birds:a common-garden experiment on four stonechatpopulations from different latitudes

Siberian Stonechat (Saxicola maura) Science Article 2 abstract It has been hypothesized that organisms living at different latitudes or in different environments adjust their metabolic activity to the prevailing conditions. However, do differences in energy turnover simply represent a phenotypic adaptation to the local environment, or are they genetically based? Martin Wikelski, Proc. R. Soc. […]

Gonadal status upon spring arrival in long-distance and short-distancemigrating stonechats ( Saxicola torquata)

Siberian Stonechat (Saxicola maura) Science Article 1 abstract Long-distance migration is often associated with relatively short breeding seasons and a start of reproductive activities shortly after arrival. The full activation of the reproductive system from the regressed state takes, however, several weeks and must, therefore, be initiated in the winter quarters or during spring migration. […]

Gonadal status upon spring arrival in long-distance and short-distancemigrating stonechats ( Saxicola torquata)

European Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) Science Article 2 abstract Long-distance migration is often associated with relatively short breeding seasons and a start of reproductive activities shortly after arrival. The full activation of the reproductive system from the regressed state takes, however, several weeks and must, therefore, be initiated in the winter quarters or during spring migration. […]

Environmental factors determine numbers of overwintering European Stonechats Saxicola rubicola: A long-term study.

European Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) Science Article 3 abstract In this study the relationship between the number of European Stonechats Saxicola rubicola at a winter site in Israel and the local rainfall, air temperature, and arthropod abundance was examined. In some years population size declined to about one third of the initial size, while in others […]

Timing of molt as a buffer in the avian annual cycle

European Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) Science Article 1 abstract Birds in seasonal environments must time stages in their annual life cycles precisely. While the fitness costs ofmistimed reproduction and migration are widely recognized, molt has been viewed as a more flexible element. Birds modify thetiming of molt in various ways to keep to overall timetables, but […]

Site fidelity in the Canary Islands stonechat Saxicoladacotiae in relation to spatial and temporalpatterns of habitat suitability

Canary Islands Stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae) Science Article 2 abstract We investigate the degree of territory faithfulness of the Canary Islands stonechat Saxicola dacotiae, an endemic bird species of the semi-arid island of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain), and the spatial and temporal variability of habitat traits related to its breeding success over its whole distribution range. […]

Divorce in the Canary Islands Stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae)

Canary Islands Stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae) Science Article 1 abstract I report the first case of divorce for the Canary Islands Stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae), anendemic bird species of the semiarid island of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain). I studied 72 pairs during three breeding seasons (2000-2001, 2001-2002, and 2002-2003). Juan Carlos Illera, Wilson Bulletin 117(3):317-319, 2005 Download […]


Canary Islands Stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae) Science Article 3 abstract Sexing and ageing of the Canary Islands Stonechat Saxicola dacotiae by moult. The aim ofthis study is to offer data for sexing juveniles and ageing Canary Islands Stonechats Saxicola dacotiae, an endemic and endangered bird, using data on wing measurements, moult, wing-formula and the inside colour […]

Ecological traits influence the current distribution and range of an island endemic bird

Canary Islands Stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae) Science Article 4 abstract The aim of this paper is to investigate the causes of the current restricteddistribution of a narrow-range endemic bird species, the Canary Islandsstonechat, Saxicola dacotiae. Juan Carlos Illera et al, Journal of Biogeography (J. Biogeogr.) (2006) 33, 1192-1201 Download article download full text (pdf)

Canary Islands Stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae)

[order] PASSERIFORMES | [family] Muscicapidae | [latin] Saxicola dacotiae | [UK] Canary Islands Stonechat | [FR] Tarier des Canaries | [DE] Kanarenschmatzer | [ES] Tarabilla Canaria | [NL] Canarische Roodborsttapuit Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Saxicola dacotiae AF Canary Islands Saxicola dacotiae dacotiae Saxicola dacotiae murielae? Physical charateristics […]