Penduline-Tit (Remiz pendulinus) Science Article 2 abstract The size and quality of nest influence mate choice and parental behaviour in several birds. Previousworks in Penduline Tits showed that females prefer to mate with males that build largenests, and females desert small nests whereas they incubate eggs in large nests. We testedwhether female preference may be […]
Tag: Penduline-Tit
Egg burial in penduline tits, Remiz pendulinusr.its role in mate desertion and femalepolyandry
Penduline-Tit (Remiz pendulinus) Science Article 1 abstract One important component in the mating strategy of an already-mated individual is the decision to remain with the partner and care for the offspring or to desert. Almost all research on nest desertion has focused on the costs and benefits of continued parental care versus desertion of both […]
Egg burial in penduline tits, Remiz pendulinusr.its role in mate desertion and femalepolyandry
Penduline-Tit (Remiz pendulinus) Science Article 1 abstract One important component in the mating strategy of an already-mated individual is the decision to remain with the partner and care for the offspring or to desert. Almost all research on nest desertion has focused on the costs and benefits of continued parental care versus desertion of both […]
The influence of nest size on heat loss of Penduline Tit eggs
Penduline-Tit (Remiz pendulinus) Science Article 2 abstract The size and quality of nest influence mate choice and parental behaviour in several birds. Previousworks in Penduline Tits showed that females prefer to mate with males that build largenests, and females desert small nests whereas they incubate eggs in large nests. We testedwhether female preference may be […]