Tag: Pearly-breasted Cuckoo

Phylogeny of the cuckoo genus Coccyzus(Aves: Cuculidae): a test of monophyly

Pearly-breasted Cuckoo (Coccyzus euleri) Science Article 1 abstract Coccyzus comprises nine species of New World cuckoos (Aves: Cuculidae)that breed from southern Canada to central South America. The phylogeny of thisgenus was reconstructed using 2490 base pairs of the mitochondrial genes cytochromeoxidase II and III, and cytochrome b. Maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony,and Bayesian inference approaches produced […]

Phylogeny of the cuckoo genus Coccyzus(Aves: Cuculidae): a test of monophyly

Pearly-breasted Cuckoo (Coccyzus euleri) Science Article 1 abstract Coccyzus comprises nine species of New World cuckoos (Aves: Cuculidae)that breed from southern Canada to central South America. The phylogeny of thisgenus was reconstructed using 2490 base pairs of the mitochondrial genes cytochromeoxidase II and III, and cytochrome b. Maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony,and Bayesian inference approaches produced […]

Pearly-breasted Cuckoo (Coccyzus euleri)

[order] CUCULIFORMES | [family] Cuculidae | [latin] Coccyzus euleri | [UK] Pearly-breasted Cuckoo | [FR] Coulicou d’Euler | [DE] Perlbrust-Kuckuck | [ES] Cuclillo Ventriblanco | [NL] Witbuikkoekoek Subspecies Monotypic species Physical charateristics Pearly-breasted cuckoos are medium birds (26 to 30 cm long; 55 to 65 g) with long tails. This species is sympatric with C. […]