Tag: Linnet

Open-habitat birds in recently burned areas: the role of the fire extent and species’ habitat breadth

Linnet (Carduelis cannabina) Science Article 2 abstract Single burned areas contained 0 to 15 open-habitat species (mean = 7.6), and in all the areas combined there were 22 species, including 17 with an unfavourable conservation status in Europe. The most frequent were Carduelis cannabina, Lullula arborea, Alectoris rufa, Oenanthe hispanica and Emberiza cia, but characteristic […]

Communal roosting of Linnets (Carduelis cannabina) and Blue-headed Wagtails (Motacilla flava) at post-breeding period in Western Poland.

Linnet (Carduelis cannabina) Science Article 1 abstract Communal roosting of Linnets (Carduelis cannabina) and Blue-headed Wagtails (Motacilla flava) at post-breeding period in Western Poland Surmacki A, Lorek G & Tryjanowski P., Vogelwarte. vol 40, no 1-2. p. 146-148 Download article download full text (pdf)

Linnet (Carduelis cannabina)

[order] PASSERIFORMES | [family] Fringillidae | [latin] Carduelis cannabina | [UK] Linnet | [FR] Linotte melodieuse | [DE] Bluthanfling | [ES] Pardillo Comun | [NL] Kneu Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Physical charateristics Slightly smaller than a sparrow, the linnet is an attractive finch, which was highly sought […]