Epaulet Oriole (Icterus cayanensis) Science Article 1 abstract Among the vertebrate pollinated plants, the genus Erythrina includes tree species in which birds arethe pollen vectors. Two groups in this genus may be distinguished: a) the hummingbird, and b) theperching bird pollinated species. Erythrina dominguezii is included in the second group and occursin deciduous/semi-deciduous forests in […]
Tag: Icterus cayanensis
Epaulet Oriole (Icterus cayanensis)
[order] Passeriformes | [family] Icteridae | [latin] Icterus cayanensis | [UK] Epaulet Oriole | [FR] Oriole a epaulettes | [DE] Epaulettentrupial | [ES] Turpial de Charretera | [IT] Oriolo della Cayenna | [NL] Roodboegtroepiaal Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Breeding Range Breeding Range 2 Non Breeding Range Icterus cayanensis SA n, c Icterus cayanensis cayanensis Icterus […]