Tag: geese and swans

Spotted Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna guttata)

[order] ANSERIFORMES | [family] Anatidae | [latin] Dendrocygna guttata | [authority] Schlegel, 1866 | [UK] Spotted Whistling Duck | [FR] Dendrocygne tachete | [DE] Tupfel-Pfeifgans | [ES] Suiriri Moteado | [NL] Gevlekte Fluiteend | [copyright picture] Harold Stiver Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Dendrocygna guttata OR, AU Philippines to New Guinea Genus Whistling ducks […]

Falkland Steamer Duck (Tachyeres brachypterus)

[order] ANSERIFORMES | [family] Anatidae | [latin] Tachyeres brachypterus | [authority] Gmelin, 1789 | [UK] Falkland Steamer Duck | [FR] Brassemer des Malouines | [DE] Falkland-Dampfschiffente | [ES] Quetro Malvinero (Arg) | [NL] Falklandbooteend Subspecies Genus Species subspecies Region Range Tachyeres brachypterus SA Falkland Islands Genus The steamer ducks are a genus (Tachyeres) of ducks […]